{% comment %} See instructions in the comments below for how to edit specific sections of this workshop template. {% endcomment %}

{% comment %} HEADER

Edit the values in the block above to be appropriate for your workshop. If the value is not ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘null’, or a number, please use double quotation marks around the value, unless specified otherwise. And run ‘make workshop-check’ before committing to make sure that changes are good. {% endcomment %}

{% comment %} Check DC curriculum {% endcomment %}

{% if site.carpentry == “dc” or site.carpentry == “dc” %} {% unless site.curriculum == “dc-ecology” or site.curriculum == “dc-genomics” or site.curriculum == “dc-socsci” or site.curriculum == “dc-geospatial” %}

It looks like you are setting up a website for a Data Carpentry curriculum but you haven’t specified the curriculum type in the _config.yml file (current value in _config.yml: “{{ site.curriculum }}”, possible values: dc-ecology, dc-genomics, dc-socsci, or dc-geospatial). After editing this file, you need to run make serve again to see the changes reflected.

{% endunless %} {% endif %}

{% comment %} EVENTBRITE

This block includes the Eventbrite registration widget if ‘eventbrite’ has been set in the header. You can delete it if you are not using Eventbrite, or leave it in, since it will not be displayed if the ‘eventbrite’ field in the header is not set. Eventbrite link can be added into _includes/workshop_ad.html in line starting <button style {% endcomment %} {% if page.eventbrite %} <iframe {% endif %}

General Information

{% comment %} INTRODUCTION

Edit the general explanatory paragraph below if you want to change the pitch. {% endcomment %} {% if site.carpentry == “swc” %} {% include swc/intro.html %} {% elsif site.carpentry == “dc” %} {% include dc/intro.html %} {% elsif site.carpentry == “lc” %} {% include lc/intro.html %} {% endif %}

{% comment %} AUDIENCE

Explain who your audience is. (In particular, tell readers if the workshop is only open to people from a particular institution. {% endcomment %} {% if site.carpentry == “swc” %} {% include swc/who.html %} {% elsif site.carpentry == “dc” %} {% include dc/who.html %} {% elsif site.carpentry == “lc” %} {% include lc/who.html %} {% endif %}

{% comment %} LOCATION

This block displays the address and links to maps showing directions if the latitude and longitude of the workshop have been set. You can use https://itouchmap.com/latlong.html to find the lat/long of an address. {% endcomment %}

Google Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities and makes it available for scientists, researchers, and developers to detect changes, map trends, and quantify differences on the Earth’s surface. It is also a tool for analyzing geospatial information. It has a searchable data catalog, including the entire EROS (USGS/NASA) Landsat catalog, numerous MODIS datasets, Sentinel-1 data, NAIP data, precipitation data, sea surface temperature data, CHIRPS climate data, and elevation data. Users can also upload their own data for analysis in Earth Engine, with full control over access.

In-person course: We will meet using Zoom. Each session will begin in the main room with a short presentation by the instructor to help you get started with the module. Participants will then go to breakout rooms to work together on the module in groups of 2-3. Instructors and helpers will be available at all times for questions and problem solving. Like other Carpentries workshops, you will be learning by “coding along”. To do this, you will need to have both the window for R and the window for the Zoom video conference client open. In order to see both at once, we recommend using one of the following set up options: 1) two monitors, 2) two devices, or 3) divide your screen. This blog post includes detailed information on how to set up your screen to follow along during the workshop.

{% comment %} DATE

This block displays the date and links to Google Calendar. {% endcomment %} {% if page.humandate %}

When: {{page.humandate}}. {% include workshop_calendar.html %}

{% endif %}

{% comment %} ACCESSIBILITY

Modify the block below if there are any barriers to accessibility or special instructions. {% endcomment %}

Accessibility: We are committed to making this workshop accessible to everybody. If we can help making learning easier for you, please get in touch (using contact details below) and we will try our best to help.


Display the contact email address set in the configuration file. {% endcomment %}

Contact: Please email {% if page.email %} {% for email in page.email %} {% if forloop.last and page.email.size > 1 %} or {% else %} {% unless forloop.first %} , {% endunless %} {% endif %} {{email}} {% endfor %} {% else %} to-be-announced {% endif %} for more information.

{% comment%} CODE OF CONDUCT {% endcomment %}

Code of Conduct

Everyone who participates in Carpentries activities is required to conform to the Code of Conduct.This document also outlines how to report an incident if needed.

{% comment%} SCHEDULE To make the table bigger or smaller, adjust the number in

{% endcomment %}


<table class="table center">
    <td><a href="https://scienceparkstudygroup.github.io/GoogleEarthEngine/00-before_the_course/"> github/gitlab configuration and R-Tips </a> </td>
    <td> How do I create a github/gitlab account and configure git for R?
    <td><a href="https://scienceparkstudygroup.github.io/R-packaging-for-reproducible-science/RP-01-introduction/"> Introduction </a> </td>
    <td> Introduction to R-packaging for reproducible science.
    <td><a href="https://scienceparkstudygroup.github.io/R-packaging-for-reproducible-science/RP-02-code-editor/"> Code Editor </a> </td>
    <td> How do I use the rstudio interface? What do I need to know about the interface when making R-packages?
    <td><a href="https://scienceparkstudygroup.github.io//R-packaging-for-reproducible-science/RP-03-basic-rpackage/"> Basic R-package </a> </td>
    <td> How do I create a minimum viable R-package? 
    <td><a href="https://scienceparkstudygroup.github.io//R-packaging-for-reproducible-science/RP-04-Roxygen/"> Function documentation: Roxygen </a> </td>
    <td> How do I add documentation to my functions?  
    <td><a href="https://scienceparkstudygroup.github.io/R-packaging-for-reproducible-science/RP-05-Data/"> Supervised Classification of Satellite Imagery </a> </td>
    <td> How do I add data to my R-package?
    <td><a href="https://scienceparkstudygroup.github.io/R-packaging-for-reproducible-science/RP-06-Vignettes/"> vignettes </a> </td>
    <td> How do I add vignettes to my R-package?
    <td><a href="https://scienceparkstudygroup.github.io/R-packaging-for-reproducible-science/RP-07-github-gitlab/"> github-gitlab </a> </td>
    <td> How do I version control my R-package?
    <td><a href="https://scienceparkstudygroup.github.io/R-packaging-for-reproducible-science/RP-08-website/"> Website </a> </td>
    <td> How to create a website for my R-package?

{% comment%} SETUP {% endcomment %}


To get access to Earth Engine, please fill out the form at signup.earthengine.google.com. A gmail is best if you have one. You will receive an email titled “Welcome to Google Earth Engine” with instructions for getting started.

{% comment%} CREDITS {% endcomment %}


All geohackweek instructional material is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution license.