This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Research Data Management: Glossary

Key Points

  • The main steps of the Research Data Life Cycle are: plan, create, process, analyse, preserve, give access, re-use.

  • Research Data are generated once but can be re-used extensively.

  • Research Data Management encompass the whole Research Data Life Cycle.

Data Management Plan (DMP)
  • Research Data are generated once but can be re-used extensively.

  • Research Data Management encompass the whole Research Data Life Cycle.

Project and file management
  • .

Analysing Data
  • A workflow (e.g. an R script) link raw to processed data.

  • A workflow is essential to keeping trace of the steps that a dataset underwent.

Version control your analysis with git
  • Version control allows you to retrieve the complete history of your processed data and analytical workflows.

Data archiving
  • SURF data archive is to be used for larger files or a tar collection of smaller files and not for day to day access.

Generic open-access data repositories
  • Next-Generation Sequencing techniques are massively parallel cDNA sequencing.

Open-access repositories
  • Next-Generation Sequencing techniques are massively parallel cDNA sequencing.

Licenses: Who can use my data?
  • K1.

Licenses: Who can use my data?
  • K1.

The FAIR principles
  • K1.

Open Science
  • Open Science is both a set of principles and a way to perform scientific work.
