This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Research Data Management: Setup


1. Option 1 (preferred): using a Docker image

1.1 Installing Docker

The preferred option to install all softwares and packages is to use a tailor-made Docker image. See this nice introduction to Docker here.

There are two Docker images necessary to complete this RNA-seq lesson:

  1. The command-line Docker fastq-latest image necessary to perform all bioinformatic analyses on the sequencing files: trimming, alignment and count table generation.
  2. The RStudio Docker rnaseq-latest image necessary to perform all count-related analyses: EDA, differential expression and downstream functional analyses.

So first thing first, we need to install Docker itself.

Install Docker

Unfortunately, in many common situations installing Docker on your laptop will not straightforward if you do not have a large amount of technical experience. We have helpers on hand that have worked their way through the install process but be prepared for some troubleshooting. Please try to install the appropriate software from the list below depending on the operating system that your laptop is running:

Microsoft Windows

You must have admin rights to run docker! Some parts of the lesson will work without running as admin but if you are unable to Run as admin on your machine some of this workshop might not work easily.

If you have Windows 10 Pro Edition:

If you have Windows 10 Home Edition:

Apple macOS



There are too many varieties of Linux to give precise instructions here, but hopefully you can locate documentation for getting Docker installed on your Linux distribution. It may already be installed. Note that Docker do list a number of versions of the Docker Engine for different Linux distributions here.


Sometimes with git-bash and Windows, you can get issues listed here:
the input device is not a TTY. If you are using mintty, try prefixing the command with 'winpty'. This can be troubleshooted following this blog post.

1.2 The fastq-latest image for bioinformatic steps (episodes 03 and 04)

This Docker image will allow you to complete the episodes 03 and 04 that work on .fastq sequencing files.

The Docker image is called fastq-latest and contains softwares and data required for the command-line part of the lesson. It can be found found at the Science Park Study Group DockerHub with the tag fastq-latest.

Before you start

Before the training, please make sure you have done the following:

  1. First, install Docker desktop for your operating system (Mac OS X or Windows).
  2. If needed, install Shell Bash: follow these instructions.
  3. Open a new Shell Bash window and navigate to a folder that will be your workspace. For instance, you could create a folder named rnaseq-tutorial/ on your Desktop and move inside with the Shell using cd ~/Desktop/rnaseq-tutorial/.
  4. In a Shell Bash window, type the following command: docker run -it --name bioinfo -v $PWD:/home/ scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:fastq-latest. This will download a Docker image for the bioinformatic part of the course, create and run a container where Bash will be running. You will enter the container directly where you can start working.
  5. To quit, type exit and you will exit the container and be on your machine file system again. The container will be stopped.
  6. To go back to the container, type docker start bioinfo and then docker exec -it bioinfo bash. You will enter inside the container again where you can find all softwares and data.
  7. Type exit to go back to your file system.

Docker command-line explanations:

1.3 The rnaseq-latest image for count data analysis (episodes 05, 06 and 07)

This image is based on a Bioconductor Docker imag release 3.10 image with additional packages such as pheatmap or tidyverse.

The latest image can be found at the Science Park Study Group DockerHub with the tag rnaseq-latest.

Before you start

Before the training, please make sure you have done the following:

  1. First, install Docker desktop for your operating system.
  2. If needed, install Shell Bash: follow these instructions.
  3. Open a new Shell Bash window and navigate to a folder that will be your workspace. For instance, you could create a folder named rnaseq-tutorial/ on your Desktop and move inside with the Shell using cd ~/Desktop/rnaseq-tutorial/.
  4. In a Shell Bash window, type the following command: docker run --rm --name rstudio_instance -v $PWD:/home/rstudio/ -e PASSWORD=mypwd -p 8787:8787 scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:rnaseq-latest. This will download a Docker image for the course, create and run a container where RStudio will be running.
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:8787 in your web browser. You should have an RStudio session running. Type rstudio as the user name and mypwd as your password.
  6. To quit, close the web browser window where RStudio is running and exit the Shell too.

Important note

You can save files to your disk when working inside the Docker-powered R session. You need to save them as you would normally. The files (e.g. my_plot.png) will be where you were working (the directory from which you launched the Docker container).

Docker command-line explanations:

2. Option 2: manual installation

This is the second way to install softwares and packages. It should work but there is no guarantee that it will work since R and packages versions on your machine might be different from the software and package versions used in this lesson. Thus, the preferred way is still to use the Docker image (option 1).

2.1 Softwares and packages

Before you start.

Before the training, please make sure you have done the following:

  1. Download and install up-to-date versions of:
  2. Read the workshop Code of Conduct to make sure this workshop stays welcoming for everybody.
  3. Get comfortable: if you’re not in a physical workshop, be set up with two screens if possible. You will be following along in RStudio on your own computer while also following this tutorial on your own. More instructions are available on the workshop website in the Setup section.

2.2 Data files

What you need to download.

DOI Please download the necessary data files for the lesson from the Zenodo archive.

  • Counts: A counts.txt dataframe of the sample raw counts. It is a tab separated file therefore data are in tabulated separated columns.
  • Experimental design: the experimental_design_modified.txt dataframe indicates the correspondence between samples and experimental conditions (e.g. control, treated).
  • Differentially expressed genes: differential_genes.tsv dataframe contains the result of the DESeq2 analysis.
  • Please read the original study description below and have a look at the file preview to understand their format.
  • These counts.txt file was obtained by running the v0.1.1 version of a RNA-Seq bioinformatic pipeline on the mRNA-Seq sequencing files from Vogel et al. (2016).

3. Original study

This RNA-seq lesson will make use of a dataset from a study on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana inoculated with commensal leaf bacteria (Methylobacterium extorquens or Sphingomonas melonis) and infected or not with a leaf bacterial pathogen called Pseudomonas syringae. Leaf samples were collected from Arabidopsis plantlets from plants inoculated or not with commensal bacteria and infected or not with the leaf pathogen either after two days (2 dpi, dpi: days post-inoculation) or seven days (6 dpi).

All details from the study are available in Vogel et al. in 2016 and was published in New Phytologist.

3.1 Gene counts

The dimension of this table are 33,769 rows x 49 columns.

Geneid ERR1406259 ERR1406260 ERR1406261 ERR1406262 ERR1406263 ERR1406264 ERR1406265 ERR1406266 ERR1406268 ERR1406269 ERR1406270 ERR1406271 ERR1406272 ERR1406273 ERR1406274 ERR1406275 ERR1406276 ERR1406277 ERR1406278 ERR1406279 ERR1406280 ERR1406281 ERR1406282 ERR1406284 ERR1406285 ERR1406286 ERR1406287 ERR1406288 ERR1406289 ERR1406290 ERR1406291 ERR1406292 ERR1406293 ERR1406294 ERR1406296 ERR1406297 ERR1406298 ERR1406299 ERR1406300 ERR1406301 ERR1406302 ERR1406303 ERR1406304 ERR1406305 ERR1406306 ERR1406307 ERR1406308 ERR1406309
AT1G01010 59 81 40 51 57 110 93 87 99 131 80 79 142 216 102 76 92 116 100 126 151 249 61 189 161 92 80 125 77 106 90 86 164 71 64 83 100 86 91 214 142 76 84 123 91 69 75 85
AT1G01020 365 466 440 424 393 567 397 468 465 365 382 365 595 509 323 422 325 358 415 403 498 501 441 498 409 396 472 566 422 462 504 434 717 534 408 346 757 456 443 976 517 467 533 648 457 393 538 579
AT1G03987 8 16 13 19 13 20 19 24 8 10 10 14 11 13 10 9 11 20 14 10 10 8 14 25 14 13 18 17 19 4 12 14 29 15 19 47 28 6 21 20 5 5 8 17        
AT1G01030 111 200 189 164 141 389 200 175 127 186 140 189 147 193 102 101 103 128 136 120 162 229 124 177 125 136 169 197 141 217 214 180 253 161 98 152 371 219 170 566 441 99 207 220 169 117 123 183
AT1G03993 131 179 169 157 114 156 138 184 193 143 135 155 218 236 159 194 149 156 168 128 174 269 183 215 176 165 171 247 179 181 177 199 313 236 154 169 313 201 202 332 169 218 203 250 190 188 223 218
AT1G01040 1491 1617 1418 1543 1224 1635 1524 1665 1565 1566 1496 1499 2244 1881 1177 1751 1444 1631 1393 1407 1880 2311 1529 1919 1662 1537 1691 2142 1469 1733 1910 1873 3079 2179 1486 1471 2840 1891 1924 3136 1520 1901 1950 2596 1802 1851 2133 1984
AT1G01046 35 30 48 32 28 50 51 56 36 26 29 38 48 30 15 44 23 31 22 27 33 51 41 35 48 38 41 49 27 36 39 50 57 49 41 30 54 41 43 85 42 42 59 65 49 64 50 46
ath-miR838 12 11 22 18 15 21 22 24 16 12 10 15 17 16 7 20 11 14 6 11 16 17 17 15 26 12 17 13 15 12 18 25 26 25 15 15 22 20 14 37 20 20 22 27 17 21 23 23
AT1G01050 1484 1483 1237 1544 1119 1453 1280 1256 1768 1869 1709 1649 2431 1858 1195 1518 1325 2013 1645 1666 2056 2258 1530 1834 1477 1532 1609 2220 1552 1976 1706 1807 2656 1873 1329 1512 2915 1646 1983 2687 1548 1740 1632 2330 1578 1521 1970 1977

… many more lines …

3.2 Experimental design table

dpi: days post-inoculation.

sample growth infected dpi
ERR1406259 MgCl2 mock 2
ERR1406271 MgCl2 mock 2
ERR1406282 MgCl2 mock 2
ERR1406294 MgCl2 mock 2
ERR1406305 MgCl2 mock 7
ERR1406306 MgCl2 mock 7
ERR1406307 MgCl2 mock 7
ERR1406308 MgCl2 mock 7
ERR1406260 MgCl2 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406261 MgCl2 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406262 MgCl2 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406309 MgCl2 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406263 MgCl2 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406264 MgCl2 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406265 MgCl2 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406266 MgCl2 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406287 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 mock 2
ERR1406288 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 mock 2
ERR1406289 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 mock 2
ERR1406290 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 mock 2
ERR1406291 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 mock 7
ERR1406292 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 mock 7
ERR1406293 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 mock 7
ERR1406296 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 mock 7
ERR1406297 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406298 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406299 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406300 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406301 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406302 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406303 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406304 Methylobacterium_extorquens_PA1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406268 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 mock 2
ERR1406269 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 mock 2
ERR1406270 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 mock 2
ERR1406272 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 mock 2
ERR1406273 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 mock 7
ERR1406274 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 mock 7
ERR1406275 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 mock 7
ERR1406276 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 mock 7
ERR1406277 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406278 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406279 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406280 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 2
ERR1406281 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406284 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406285 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7
ERR1406286 Sphingomonas_melonis_Fr1 Pseudomonas_syringae_DC3000 7