mamba create -n seqkit
mamba install -n seqkit -c bioconda seqkit
mamba activate seqkit
SeqKit is a tool for FASTA/Q File Manipulation (Shen et al. 2016). As such it comes with a range of abilities and, among others, can:
- Transform sequences
- Generate statistics
- Sub-select sequences
- Convert Fasta/Fastq files
- Remove duplicates
- Split sequences into multiple files
- Edit the content of fasta files
- …
For a full range of what Seqkit can do and some examples, please visit the manual. Below, you only find example for some, but not all, usages for Seqkit.
Installed on crunchomics: Yes, seqkit v2.7.0 is installed.
If desired, you can install seqkit yourself with:
SeqKit comes with a range of options and it is outside of the scope of this page to go into all aspects. Below you will just find a few examples on how to use the tool.
Required inputs: Fasta or Fastq (compressed and uncompressed)
To run some example, we downloaded a genome from NCBI for testing first.
mkdir data
mkdir seqkit
#download a genome for testing
wget -O - | gzip -d > data/GCA_003662865.1_ASM366286v1_genomic.fna
Get statistics
You can get summary statistics for a single file a as follows:
#get summary statistics (total length, total read number, average phred score, ...)
seqkit stats -a -To seqkit/seqkit_stats.tsv data/GCA_003662865.1_ASM366286v1_genomic.fna
You can easily get statistics for several files at once, for example, if you have multiple fastq.gz files in a common folder you can do:
seqkit stats -a -To seqkit/seqkit_stats.tsv data/*fastq.gz --threads 10
Grepping sequences by name
We can use seqkit to extract sequences based on a list with names to extract.
#make a list with potential sequences to extract
echo -e "QMYW01000303.1\nQMYW01000213.1" > contigs_to_screen
seqkit grep -f contigs_to_screen \
data/GCA_003662865.1_ASM366286v1_genomic.fna -o data/extracted_clean.fna
#sanity check:
#we went from 309 to 2 sequences
grep -c ">" data/GCA_003662865.1_ASM366286v1_genomic.fna
grep -c ">" data/extracted_clean.fna
We can also do the reverse: Remove the two sequences from the genome file using -v
, something you would for example do when removing contaminants:
seqkit grep -f contigs_to_screen -v \
data/GCA_003662865.1_ASM366286v1_genomic.fna -o data/extracted_clean.fna
#sanity check:
#we went from 309 to 307 sequences
grep -c ">" data/GCA_003662865.1_ASM366286v1_genomic.fna
grep -c ">" data/extracted_clean.fna
Identify duplicated sequences
seqkit rmdup --by-seq --ignore-case data/GCA_003662865.1_ASM366286v1_genomic.fna \
-o data/GCA_003662865_uniq.fasta \
--dup-seqs-file data/GCA_003662865_dup.fasta --dup-num-file data/GCA_003662865_dup.text
Split sequences
Splitting a sequence is useful if you perform large database searches. I.e. you have 1 million proteins that you want to compare against the Uniprot database? You can parallelize this by splitting the proteins first into several files and comparing them in parallel against a database.
#split file into parts with at most 100 sequences
seqkit split2 data/GCA_003662865.1_ASM366286v1_genomic.fna \
-s 100 \
-O data/split