

Filtlong is a tool for filtering long reads by quality. It can take a set of long reads and produce a smaller, better subset. It uses both read length (longer is better) and read identity (higher is better) when choosing which reads pass the filter.

For more information, visit the manual


Installed on crunchomics: Yes, as part of the bioinformatics share. If you have access to crunchomics you can be added to the bioinformatics share by sending an email with your Uva netID to Nina Dombrowski.

If you want to install it yourself, you can run:

mamba create --name filtlong_0.2.1 -c bioconda filtlong=0.2.1


#throw out the worst 10% of reads. This is measured by bp, not by read count. So this option throws out the worst 10% of read bases
#a length weight of 10 (instead of the default of 1) makes read length more important when choosing the best read
filtlong --min_length 1000 --keep_percent 90 --mean_q_weight 10 input.fastq.gz | gzip > input_filtered.fastq.gz

Useful options:

  • output thresholds:
    • -t[int], --target_bases [int] keep only the best reads up to this many total bases
    • -p[float], --keep_percent [float] keep only this percentage of the best reads (measured by bases)
    • --min_length [int] minimum length threshold
    • --max_length [int] maximum length threshold
    • --min_mean_q [float] minimum mean quality threshold
    • --min_window_q [float] minimum window quality threshold
  • external references (if provided, read quality will be determined using these instead of from the Phred scores):
    • -a[file], --assembly [file] reference assembly in FASTA format
    • -1[file], --illumina_1 [file] reference Illumina reads in FASTQ format
    • -2[file], --illumina_2 [file] reference Illumina reads in FASTQ format
  • score weights (control the relative contribution of each score to the final read score): --length_weight [float] weight given to the length score (default: 1) --mean_q_weight [float] weight given to the mean quality score (default: 1) --window_q_weight [float] weight given to the window quality score (default: 1)
  • read manipulation: --trim trim non-k-mer-matching bases from start/end of reads --split [split] split reads at this many (or more) consecutive non-k-mer-matching bases
  • other:
    • --window_size [int] size of sliding window used when measuring window quality (default: 250) ---verbose verbose output to stderr with info for each read
    • --version display the program version and quit
  • -h, --help display this help menu