

Bakta is a tool for the rapid & standardized annotation of bacterial genomes and plasmids from both isolates and MAGs (Schwengers et al. 2021). It provides dbxref-rich, sORF-including and taxon-independent annotations in machine-readable JSON & bioinformatics standard file formats for automated downstream analysis. The Bakta workflow looks as follows:

Please, note that Bacta was designed and developed to annotate isolated bacterial genomes. In particular, the database comprises bacterial protein coding genes, only. Also, there are currently no options/parameters to surpass archaeal taxonomic information to 3rd party tools of the workflow, e.g. tRNAScan-SE. Therefore, the identification of CDS and protein sequences can be still used but for functional annotation it is recommended to use archaeal-specific or domain-unspecific databases.

There also is a web-server on which you can upload your genomes or visualize bakta json files that you have already generated.

For more information, please visit the manual.


Installed on crunchomics: Yes,

  • Bakta v1.9.4 is installed as part of the bioinformatics share. If you have access to crunchomics and have not yet access to the bioinformatics you can send an email with your Uva netID to Nina Dombrowski,
  • Afterwards, you can add the bioinformatics share as follows (if you have already done this in the past, you don’t need to run this command):
conda config --add envs_dirs /zfs/omics/projects/bioinformatics/software/miniconda3/envs/

If you want to install it yourself, you can run:

# Install bakta
mamba create -p /zfs/omics/projects/bioinformatics/software/miniconda3/envs/bakta_1.9.4 -c conda-forge -c bioconda bakta

# Setup database
mamba activate bakta_1.9.4

bakta_db download --output /zfs/omics/projects/bioinformatics/databases/bakta --type full

mamba deactivate

# To update an existing database you can use the following code:
#bakta_db update --db <existing-db-path> [--tmp-dir <tmp-directory>]


mkdir -p results/bakta 

conda activate bakta_1.9.4

bakta --db /zfs/omics/projects/bioinformatics/databases/bakta/db \
    --verbose \
    --output results/bakta \
    --prefix strainX \
    --locus-tag strainX \
    --threads 8 \
    --force \

conda deactivate

For a complete description, please visit the manual.

Generated output

Annotation results are provided in standard bioinformatics file formats:

  • <prefix>.tsv: annotations as simple human readable TSV
  • <prefix>.gff3: annotations & sequences in GFF3 format
  • <prefix>.gbff: annotations & sequences in (multi) GenBank format
  • <prefix>.embl: annotations & sequences in (multi) EMBL format
  • <prefix>.fna: replicon/contig DNA sequences as FASTA
  • <prefix>.ffn: feature nucleotide sequences as FASTA
  • <prefix>.faa: CDS/sORF amino acid sequences as FASTA
  • <prefix>.hypotheticals.tsv: further information on hypothetical protein CDS as simple human readable tab separated values
  • <prefix>.hypotheticals.faa: hypothetical protein CDS amino acid sequences as FASTA
  • <prefix>.json: all (internal) annotation & sequence information as JSON
  • <prefix>.txt: summary as TXT
  • <prefix>.png: circular genome annotation plot as PNG
  • <prefix>.svg: circular genome annotation plot as SVG

The <prefix> can be set via --prefix <prefix>. If no prefix is set, Bakta uses the input file prefix.

List of Bakta options
usage: bakta [--db DB] [--min-contig-length MIN_CONTIG_LENGTH] [--prefix PREFIX] [--output OUTPUT]
             [--genus GENUS] [--species SPECIES] [--strain STRAIN] [--plasmid PLASMID]
             [--complete] [--prodigal-tf PRODIGAL_TF] [--translation-table {11,4}] [--gram {+,-,?}] [--locus LOCUS]
             [--locus-tag LOCUS_TAG] [--keep-contig-headers] [--replicons REPLICONS] [--compliant] [--replicons REPLICONS] [--regions REGIONS] [--proteins PROTEINS] [--meta]
             [--skip-trna] [--skip-tmrna] [--skip-rrna] [--skip-ncrna] [--skip-ncrna-region]
             [--skip-crispr] [--skip-cds] [--skip-pseudo] [--skip-sorf] [--skip-gap] [--skip-ori] [--skip-plot]
             [--help] [--verbose] [--debug] [--threads THREADS] [--tmp-dir TMP_DIR] [--version]

Rapid & standardized annotation of bacterial genomes, MAGs & plasmids

positional arguments:
  <genome>              Genome sequences in (zipped) fasta format

Input / Output:
  --db DB, -d DB        Database path (default = <bakta_path>/db). Can also be provided as BAKTA_DB environment variable.
  --min-contig-length MIN_CONTIG_LENGTH, -m MIN_CONTIG_LENGTH
                        Minimum contig size (default = 1; 200 in compliant mode)
  --prefix PREFIX, -p PREFIX
                        Prefix for output files
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output directory (default = current working directory)
  --force, -f           Force overwriting existing output folder (except for current working directory)

  --genus GENUS         Genus name
  --species SPECIES     Species name
  --strain STRAIN       Strain name
  --plasmid PLASMID     Plasmid name

  --complete            All sequences are complete replicons (chromosome/plasmid[s])
  --prodigal-tf PRODIGAL_TF
                        Path to existing Prodigal training file to use for CDS prediction
  --translation-table {11,4}
                        Translation table: 11/4 (default = 11)
  --gram {+,-,?}        Gram type for signal peptide predictions: +/-/? (default = ?)
  --locus LOCUS         Locus prefix (default = 'contig')
  --locus-tag LOCUS_TAG
                        Locus tag prefix (default = autogenerated)
                        Keep original contig headers
  --compliant           Force Genbank/ENA/DDJB compliance
  --replicons REPLICONS, -r REPLICONS
                        Replicon information table (tsv/csv)
  --regions REGIONS     Path to pre-annotated regions in GFF3 or Genbank format (regions only, no functional annotations).
  --proteins PROTEINS   Fasta file of trusted protein sequences for CDS annotation
  --meta                Run in metagenome mode. This only affects CDS prediction.

  --skip-trna           Skip tRNA detection & annotation
  --skip-tmrna          Skip tmRNA detection & annotation
  --skip-rrna           Skip rRNA detection & annotation
  --skip-ncrna          Skip ncRNA detection & annotation
  --skip-ncrna-region   Skip ncRNA region detection & annotation
  --skip-crispr         Skip CRISPR array detection & annotation
  --skip-cds            Skip CDS detection & annotation
  --skip-pseudo         Skip pseudogene detection & annotation
  --skip-sorf           Skip sORF detection & annotation
  --skip-gap            Skip gap detection & annotation
  --skip-ori            Skip oriC/oriT detection & annotation
  --skip-plot           Skip generation of circular genome plots

  --help, -h            Show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v         Print verbose information
  --debug               Run Bakta in debug mode. Temp data will not be removed.
  --threads THREADS, -t THREADS
                        Number of threads to use (default = number of available CPUs)
  --tmp-dir TMP_DIR     Location for temporary files (default = system dependent auto detection)
  --version             show program's version number and exit


Schwengers, Oliver, Lukas Jelonek, Marius Alfred Dieckmann, Sebastian Beyvers, Jochen Blom, and Alexander Goesmann. 2021. “Bakta: Rapid and Standardized Annotation of Bacterial Genomes via Alignment-Free Sequence Identification.” Microbial Genomics 7 (11).