

FastQC is a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data. For help with interpreting the output, please visit the website with some very good examples.

FastQC can be run both on short- and long-read data.

Available on Crunchomics: Yes


FastQC already is installed on Crunchomics, if you want to install it on your own system check out the instructions found here.


  • Inputs: FastQC can process bam,sam,bam_mapped,sam_mapped and fastq files
  • Output: An HTML quality report

Example code:

#get help 
fastqc --help

#run on a single file
fastqc myfile.fastq.gz -o outputfolder --threads 1

#run on multiple files (assumes that the fastq files are in a folder called my_reads)
fastqc  my_reads/*gz -o outputfolder --threads 20
