
Fama is a fast pipeline for functional and taxonomic analysis of shotgun metagenomic sequences.


If you want to install FAMA on your own, follow these instructions in the FAMA manual.

Available on Crunchomics: Yes, via the metatools share. For access contact Anna Heintz Buschart


#activate environment
conda activate /zfs/omics/projects/metatools/TOOLS/miniconda3/envs/FAMA

#get template and add 
#(if you downloaded FAMA by yourself then the ini file can be found in the folder you downloaded)
cp /zfs/omics/projects/metatools/DB/fama_new/project.ini.sample Annotations/Fama/my.project.config

#run FAMA 
python3 /zfs/omics/projects/metatools/DB/fama_new/py/fama.py -c /zfs/omics/projects/metatools/DB/fama_new/config.ini -p my.project.config

Example content of Annotations/Fama/my.project.config:

project_name = 'Test sample sulfur'
collection = test_sulfur_v1
ref_output_name = ref_tabular_output.txt
background_output_name = bgr_tabular_output.txt
ref_hits_list_name = ref_hits.txt
ref_hits_fastq_name = ref_hits.fq
reads_fastq_name = reads.fq
pe_reads_fastq_name = reads_pe.fq
output_subdir = out_sulfur
report_name = report.txt
xml_name = krona.xml
html_name = functional_profile.html
reads_json_name = reads.json
assembly_subdir = assembly
work_dir = /zfs/omics/projects/thiopac-mgx/nina_wdir/Annotations/Fama

sample_id = TPS_fame_sulfur
fastq_pe1 = /zfs/omics/projects/thiopac-mgx/nina_wdir/faa/All_genomes.faa
sample_dir = /zfs/omics/projects/thiopac-mgx/nina_wdir/Annotations/Fama
replicate = 0
#fastq_pe1_readcount = 30
#fastq_pe1_basecount = 4509
#fastq_pe2_readcount = 30
#fastq_pe2_basecount = 4346
#rpkg_scaling = 0.18962061540779365
#insert_size = 233.4950097660472

Adding more databases to FAMA

It is possible to add new databases to FAMA. Below is an example on how to add a custom sulfur database.

Sulfur database installation instructions:

  1. Download and unpack the archive into a separate directory:https://iseq.lbl.gov/mydocs/fama_downloads/fama_sulfur_dataset.tar.gz

  2. Create diamond databases:

diamond makedb --in classification_database.faa --db classification_database
diamond makedb --in selection_database_clustered.faa --db selection_database
  1. Append your config.ini file with a new section and replace “” with real paths:
functions_file = <path to db files>/collection_functions.txt
taxonomy_file = <path to db files>/collection_taxonomy.txt
reference_diamond_db = <path to db files>/selection_database.dmnd
background_diamond_db = <path to db files>/classification_database.dmnd
reference_db_size = 6990766
background_db_size = 99120132